Thanks for checking it out, there’s lots to see! New sections containing different art genres are coming soon, especially with the new Shop revamp! Many of the things here in the Gallery are also available for purchase~
New – Photography section – Thank you all for your support, which allows me to expand and grow <3
Table of Contents :
Page 1 – Magic: the Gathering Alters (you are here)
Page 2 – Fine Art
Page 3 – Photography
Please look forward to more of my drawings, paintings and (possibly) modeling work as the next additions
Gilded Cards
Magic: the Gathering Gilded cards on various lands in both full and half-art styles. Far and away my most popular type of alter.

Ignoble and Noble Hierarch
Magic: the Gathering Matched Set of Original full-art alters telling the story of Raven Steals the Light, a Northern Indigenous tale.

Maelstrom Wanderer + Omnath, Locus of Rage
Magic: the Gathering Matched Set of Original full-art alters with matched Companion cards

Loyal Unicorn
Magic: the Gathering Original full-art Alter with Companion card

Kalamax the Stormsire ; Angel of Destiny
Magic: the Gathering Original full-art Alters with Companion cards

Lotus Cobra ; Hans Eriksson
Magic: the Gathering Border Extension cards

Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed
Magic: the Gathering Original full-art Alter with Companion card

Dragonlord Ojutai
Magic: the Gathering Original full-art Alter with Companion card

Serra Angel
Magic: the Gathering full-art Extension with hand-written rules text

Kwain, Itinerant Meddler
Magic: the Gathering Border Extension card

~Neurok Familiar ; Selesnya Sagittars~
~My very first~ Magic: the Gathering Border Extension cards

~Angel Token ; Basic Land, Swamp~
The first cards I ever did! Magic: the Gathering full-art Border Extension ; Original full-art